Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Real Voice

I would have never expected to find any semblance of theology in a Donald Miller book.  He is who I read when I'm needing a quick read from a person who thinks differently than I.  Finding a small tidbit of insight in his work proves that it is really all about the mind of the reader, not the mind of the writer.  Profound thoughts can be found in mundane tasks or a shock read.

I love what Miller says about listening for the voice of God in his work "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years."  He expounds on the Biblical truth that God is at work speaking quietly and in the stillness of life.

"The real Voice is stiller and smaller and seems to know, without confusion, the difference between right and wrong and the subtle delineation between the beautiful and profane."
-Donald Miller

I've been so struck by the necessity to live a well rhythmed life.  Miller speaks to living in intimate relationship with the Creator, and listening to the subtle leadings and promptings.  God's voice is often times smaller and more quiet than we realize.  We are so far from the places we need to be to really get the full value of our ears. 

God longs to speak and live in relationship to us.  Our creator wants community with us in the same spirit of Adomic community.  We must put ourselves in the places God can speak to us.  In the still, the calm, the serene places of this world.  His voice is still small, and yet rings true with great consequence.